The reliability test required that all participating coders code the same batch of sample data.
Click here to see why reliability test is necessary
The [Coding Library] and [Test Library] exist independently of each other. Samples can be extracted from the [Coding Library] into the [Test Library] for coding test.
Please note that in order to extract data to the [Test Library] or conduct sampling, you need to select a specific database (not “All”). Variations in data formats can exist across different databases. Sampling from all available data may lead to confusion due to inconsistencies in data formatting. Therefore, when selecting [All] database, the [Randomly Import Data to Test Library] and [Sampling] buttons are grey and cannot be operated.

The next step is to create a [Test Library]. There are two ways to import data to the [Test Library]. One way is to select [Randomly Import Data to ][Test Library] in [Coding Library]. Or you can click [Test Library] under Operation on the right side of the data to import specific data into the [Test Library]. You can go to [Test Library] to view the imported data.