For each category, the keywords can be set accordingly. The role of the keywords is:
- In manual coding, the keywords will be highlighted in the text for coding reference. So user can locate the keywords and and the context easily;
- In machine coding, keywords are the basis for machine evaluation. Therefore, after keywords-setting, you can start to execute both machine-assisted manual coding and automatic coding .
Reading: difference between machine coding and machine-aided manual coding
Currently, there are two input modes for keyword setting: basic mode and advanced mode. The basic mode is relatively simple to input keywords, while the advanced mode is slightly more complex, but it can also be applied to more complex setting conditions.
Please note that the two modes will not take effect simultaneously. Only one can be choosen to avoid conflicts.
- Basic mode:
After inputting the keywords, press “Enter” on keyboard. You can input more than one keyword in one row, and the relationship between mutiple words is “AND”.

Keywords can also be supplemented by adding rows. The keywords in each row are in an “or” relationship.

After finishing keyword set up, press OK. you can see the current keyword status in the preview. As shown in the image below.

- Advanced mode
In advance mode, it requires the user to type in the logic word (AND/OR) when setting up keywords.

The format requirements for setting category option keywords are as follows. Please strictly follow the following rules while setting them to avoid errors occuring during categories saving or coding progress.
- Brackets (), quotation marks “”, etc. need to be punctuation half-width format; brackets must be used in pairs.
- Logical keywords (Boolean terms): AND/OR/NOT need to leave a space before and after. With correct input, the logical keywords (AND/OR/NOT) will be shown in black color, and the target keywords will be shown in red color;
- Logical keywords (AND/OR/NOT) need to be capitalized;
- Keywords in English can be set with or without capitalization. Keywords in Chinese can be set with both Traditional Chinese and Simplified Chinese;
- It is recommended to add double quotation marks (“”) in English format when “English phrases” or “mixed Chinese and English phrases” are used, in order to ensure the accuracy of machine coding.