Purpose and methods of sampling

Sampling is a common method for researchers to take a sample of the total object and gain insight of the total by studying that sample. In the realm of research practice, sampling requires consideration of two aspects: sampling protocol and execution procedure. Based on the research requirements, practitioners typically opt […]

How to do chi-square test?

The chi-square test is a widely used hypothesis testing method for count data, suitable for analyzing the association of categorical variables. Its fundamental concept lies in comparing the degree of fit or goodness of fit between the theoretical frequencies and the actual frequencies. Operating Method In [Statistical Analysis] – [Basic […]

How to do correlation analysis?

Correlation analysis investigates the interrelation between two or more equipollent random variables, aiming to delineate the extent of their mutual association, direction, and proximity. Operating Method In [Statistical Analysis] – [Basic Statistics], click the “+” sign to create a new chart. On the chart editing page, drag two quantitative variables […]